BERBAGI ILMU: The uniqueness of Lake Tempe

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

The uniqueness of Lake Tempe

Tempe Lake is a lake located in the western part Wajo, South Sulawesi, precisely in the District Tempe, about 7 km from the city towards the River Walanae Sengkang. Tempe lake covering an area of ​​about 13,000 hectares have freshwater fish species that are rarely found elsewhere. This is because the lake is located above the Australian continental plates and is merupakansalah Asia.Danau a tectonic lake in Indonesia.

water source

Lake Tempe obtain water supplies from the river and its tributaries Feather When Cenrana. In addition to supplying water, both rivers have also caused silting due to high erosion upstream.
annual Festival

Each festival was held August 23 at Lake Tempe sea. The party is called Maccera fishing ritual or ceremony Tappareng purify the lake are characterized by cutting cows headed by a chief fisherman who followed the various tourist attractions that are very interesting. On the day of the celebration of this festival Tempe Lake, all participants wore ceremonial Maccera Tappareng bodo (Bugis traditional clothes). The event was also enlivened by a variety of attractions such as traditional boat races, boat races ornamental, racing games folk (traditional kite competitions, the selection of virgin and Land kallolona Wajo), beating competition dimples (padendang), traditional music and dance performances presented bissu by transvestites, and various other traditional performances. But now the extinction of some species, this is due to its niche niche tempe lake was filled by other species of carp due to excessive restoling

For visiting this fund is not difficult, if the star of the Village Padduppa Sengkang Town, only takes about 30 minutes using a rented fishing boat.

Along the way along the coast of the river, from the river Walennae, visitors can see houses dipesisir river float fishing.

Upon entering the lake, visitors are treated to a view so beautiful and natural. Including, photographing some of the fishermen who caught the fish in fresh water.

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